Friday, August 5, 2011

Uncovered: The touching picture of a cherub surrounded by love hearts drawn by HITLER... in the year he started WWII

From Daily Mail Online: Uncovered: The touching picture of a cherub surrounded by love hearts drawn by HITLER... in the year he started WWII

This touching sketch of a cherub sitting on a cushion covered in love hearts was amazingly drawn by Adolf Hitler - in the year he started World War Two.
The small drawing shows the winged figure in front of a mirror and is inscribed 'Frau Esser'.

It is almost certainly a birthday card to the wife of one of the Fuhrer's oldest political allies, Hermann Esser.

The card measures 9.5 x 3.5ins and is thought to have been sent in January 1939 - the same month Hermann Esser released his book The Jewish World Plague.
It is an unusual picture for Hitler, who had been an aspiring artist in his younger days and mainly painted landscapes and buildings.

They often come up for sale, but this more intimate and later artwork is quite rare and very collectable.

Richard Westwood-Brookes, from Mullock's auction house, which is selling it, said: 'This is an usual picture from Hitler and the date is quite revealing.
'It was done in 1939 when he had already decided upon murdering Europe's Jews.
'Despite those feelings of hate he produced this touching and delicate little painting. It highlights the fact that there were two sides to the man.
'It is made out to 'Frau Esser' - almost certainly the wife of Hermann Esser - and signed and dated by Hitler.
'Hermann Esser joined the Nazi party with Hitler in 1920 and despite numerous scandals he knew too much to be cast aside completely.
'He was hugely anti-semitic and wasn't liked by his fellow Nazis, but lived until the 1980s. Little is known about his wife although she does appear in pictures.'

Hermann Esser was a co-founder of the Nazi party along with Hitler in 1920.

He edited its paper, Volkischer Beobachter, and became its propaganda chief.
But he was a renowned pervert and disgusted other top Nazis and for a time was suspended form the organisation.
Even Hitler said of him: 'I know Esser is a scoundrel, but I shall hold on to him as long as he is useful to me.'

He was a co-founder of the Nazi party along with Hitler in 1920.

He edited its paper, Volkischer Beobachter, and became its propaganda chief.

But he was a renowned pervert and disgusted other top Nazis and for a time was suspended form the organisation.

Even Hitler said of him: 'I know Esser is a scoundrel, but I shall hold on to him as long as he is useful to me.'

He was involved in a scandal when he sexually assaulted the underage daughter of a businessman.

But he knew too much, however, and Hitler gave him various minor roles in the party. He was a good public speaker and an effective jew-baiter.

In 1940 he was filmed with his wife on the terrace of Hitler's getaway in the Bavarian Alps, Berghof.

Later he became a member of the Reichstag and through the war he was the undersecretary for tourism in the Reich propaganda ministry.

He was imprisoned twice for a total of four years and died aged 80 in 1981.

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