Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Former Nazi Art Dealer Leaves Collection to Friends, Family

The article below is from July 12, 2007!

Nevertheless, it makes for an interesting story.

From Art Info: Former Nazi Art Dealer Leaves Collection to Friends, Family

Bruno Lohse, a German art dealer appointed by HermannGoering to acquire looted art in occupied France in the 1940s, died on March 19at the age of 95, leaving his private collection of Dutch 17th-centurymasterpieces and expressionist paintings to friends and family, Bloomberg reports.Since May, the collection has been the focus of a three-nation investigationinto a looted Camille Pissarro painting discovered in a Swiss bank safeconnected to the dealer. However, historian, documentary maker, and Lohse’sacquaintance Maurice-Philip Remy said that of the 40 artworks in Lohse’scollection, there are only three paintings where he ``is not yet sure'' of theprovenance. ``I know every painting in the collection,'' Remy said. ``It is nota stash of looted art.''

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